Dear Free Earth Family, Friends & Supporters,
Stay Safe and Happy!
Üzülerek, Ücretsiz Dünya Festivali 2021'in Yeniden Planlandığını duyuruyoruz.
En yüksek önceliğimiz, tüm katılımcıların sağlık, güvenlik ve esenliğini sağlamaktır.
Free Earth 2021, 24-28 Ağustos 2022'ye ertelendi.
2021 biletleri ulaşım ve konaklama rezervasyonları dahil 2022 için otomatik olarak geçerlidir.
2022 Festivali için Çok Sınırlı Bilet Ön Satışı 2021'de başlayacak.
Daha fazla duyuru için lütfen sosyal medya ve web sitemizi takip etmeye devam edin.
Olumlu hisleriniz ve desteğiniz için kalbimizin derinliklerinden teşekkür etmek istiyoruz!
Herkese kocaman bir sevgi dalgası gönderiyoruz!!!
Güvende ve Mutlu Kalın!
Free Earth Festival is a collaboration of like-minded dedicated Psychedelic Freedom Fighters determined to bring back the good vibes & consciousness to the outdoor festival scene.
Visionaries, Artists, Directors, Musicians, Event Coordinators, Managers, Designers, Promoters, Technicians, Craftsmen,Volunteers all part of an integrated team,introducing a sustainable paradigm. Organisers and crews from different festivals, a perfect blend of international and Greek crews, with creativity, happiness and respect, creating our own Journey!
Dreaming a complete, comfortable, functional and safe event that gives hope for a Sustainable World!
This is not a festival, its an unmissable, transformational and unforgettable experience!
A family gathering about Music, Art, Ecology and Multi-culture Technologies, at an amazing beach location at Halkidiki, Greece! A massive production with 3 music stages, 3 cultural areas, kids area, exclusive decorations, blasting sound systems, mind-blowing visuals, world-class artists... and a global message!
"Coexistence in unity and balance with nature and other living forms, is a conscious bequest for an even more mystical journey into music & culture".
Free Earth Festival is a unique initiative for the sustained preservation and development of Halkidiki too, situated in a pristine natural habitat, surrounded by a special ecosystem that deserves our utmost respect and attention.
We are looking forward to create a Green Festival, with less trash, more respect in nature and a more balanced symbiosis. Many new policies will be implemented with much more efficiency towards that goal and new strategies will be announced and established thru our Sustainability Project. Committed throughout this Project to reduce our environmental impact and improve our environmental standards, we will always pursue a minimum ecological footprint outcome.
Dreaming an event which improves it's content by the year without increasing it's numbers and at the same time keeps it's original family vibe and Ethos intact! Our full potential can be reached in the near future and we are very happy about that!
Our scene needs more conscious choices and sociologies! Our organisation will keep improving it's crew, infrastructure and services, will keep inviting key role people of our scene and the production world and will keep investing in the Festival with the aim to reach top production level!
A magical 8 days Retreat! With the representation of the most innovative Audio - Visual technologies by the cream of International and Greek Artists, Performers and Healers, we will keep offering the best possible journey to our inner self and consciousness.
At this point, we would like to note that without your precious help with our pre-sales and your total support, none of this would be possible! You empower us with hope and inspire us to continue our Vision!Our future doesn't belong to Capitalism, but to Independent Special Unique People, it belongs to You!
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